Features of Bionomic Seating
Bionomic® seating is Adjustable in such a way as to provide postural support to each individuals body shape or size
This product has the widest range of adjustments of any chair on the market and can adapt to a majority of the spinal considerations that appear in the population. Unique features of the Bionomic® Seating include the patented seat pan and centre pivot system
Specifically designed to provide a Optimal seated position that results in sitting firmly on the pelvic bones and that aligns and lifts the head, neck and back...
The design of the chair is to closely emulate that posture of standing which is regarded as the most physiologically efficient posture. One of the criteria of the correct setting up of the chair to your specific body shape and size is if you can rise out of the chair with minimal effort.
For those who already have an illness, disability or back pain problems Bionomic® Seating can provide the necessary postural support, too enable people with difficulties in rising, to get in and out of the seating...
Pressure reducing cushions…
One of the special features is the patented chair seat pan, designed with three distinctive sections of foam density. The one that is most centrally located is of a lesser density to cup and cradle the pelvic bones to engage and support the pelvis for long periods of sitting.
Adjustable seat base angle…
Bionomic® incorporates specially selected mechanisms (centre pivot) and backrest uprights (customised). This allows the Bionomic® Seating System to accommodate widest range of adjustment and can adapt to a majority of the spinal considerations that appear in the population.
Adjustable or appropriately shaped/sized lumbar support & Adjustable seat height and depth...
Bionomic® incorporates all the standard parameters of current seating. Keeping in mind that the lumbar support is just that a support mechanism and not the focus as many in the industry have tended to do. The main focus of Bionomic® is the seat pan and the interrelationship of it to the occupant and to support and assist in maintaining the occupant in the most physiologically efficient posture.
Adjustable in height
So as to attain the correct seating position for the requirements of the individual adjustable back angle to enable proper support (other than simply reclining) and contain appropriately positioned/shaped back supports...
Custom made to suit the particular persons anatomical shape in order to provide correct postural support.
Designed by a Chiropractic Doctor, the approach to the design and production of the product arose from the direct understanding and application of spinal biomechanical considerations and the affect of those on the neurophysiological components of the human’s spinal column. As there is a specific medical understanding of this subject and it is taught in Chiropractic/Medical schools, the device has been made to adapt to a majority of the “spinal considerations” that appear in the population. This device incorporates the Bionomic® Patented seat pan/ with multiple density's of foam to cradle and support the pelvis properly.